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Industry Leader Indicates that the Industrex HPX-1 CR System is Poised for Success

July 17, 2009

Founded in 1987, Quality Inspection Services, Inc. (QISI) is one of today’s premiere nondestructive testing firms headquartered in Buffalo, New York with 16 other locations in the United States.  Working with both large and small companies, QISI specializes in nondestructive testing, quality assurance, quality control and civil testing.

Designated as the initial beta testing site for the new Industrex HPX-1 CR System, QISI conducts over 300 computed radiography projects a year for a wide array of clients that include: refineries, chemical plants, utility plants, the military and new fabrication products.

 “Carestream/Kodak has specifically addressed the NDT industry’s unique field needs.”  – Brian Caccamise, Director of Digital Technology, QISI

According to Caccamise, the HPX-1 CR system makes a significant leap in technology in elevating the use of digital systems in what has traditionally been a film-based industry.

“The information displayed on this new system is literally tenfold to that compared to conventional radiographic film,” says Caccamise.  “As an inspection company, our code quality inspections require us to look at pipes to analyze welds. We perform a lot of radiographic profiling where we are looking at industry specific concerns like CUI (corrosion under insulation), FAC (flow-accelerated corrosion), internal deposits and under-deposit corrosion. With the development of this new system I can see that as an industry we are definitely trending upward towards digital.  And INDUSTREX Products has significantly stepped up the playing field with their new CR system.”

New HPX-1 CR System: Created Specifically for Nondestructive Testing
"There are three important expectations we have for our CR systems,” says Caccamise. “The system has to fit the needs of our customers by performing in the field with accuracy and consistency, the system needs to be durable, and finally, it needs to be user friendly for both the technician and the client.”

Initial beta testing proves the system meets all three of these field requirements. At first glance, users will note that the HPX-1 CR system has different physical characteristics compared to the INDUSTREX ACR 2000 and 2000i.

It’s great to see that they’ve redesigned the system with user expectations in mind.  The new transport system is very smooth now, it allows the plates to go in and come out in a more efficient manner. It’s clearly a more rugged design with a positive air flow system, which will aid in prevention of dirt and/or damage to the plates.”

Higher Quality Images with Better Attributes
QISI tested the new HPX-1 CR system against set standards that included known defects.  The new system passed all of the initial comparison tests and ended up exceeding QISI staff expectations.

“In our business we work primarily with flexible plates, but the system also accepts rigid cassettes. We tested all of the standard size plates and we were happy with the results,” adds Caccamise.
Tested plates included the following sizes:
• 14 x 17 both HR and GP
• 4.5 x 17 both HR and GP
• 4.5 x 10 both HR and GP
• 8 x 10 both HR and GP
• 70mm both HR and GP

Software Improvements
"They have added some new software features in the HPX-1 CR system that allows us to do image enhancements to aid in image interpretations,” says Caccamise.  “The software is very user-friendly as well. We can pull up multiple image views and work with these images simultaneously, or independently.  The new system also allows us to adjust the PMT and the laser to improve both gain and pixel resolution.”

Product Benefits
After using the Industrex HPX-1 CR system for a week QISI found that the new CR system:
• Enables users to work with larger size plates because the new design offers a more efficient transport system.
• Will accept both rigid cassettes and flexible plates
• Can now work with multiple image views both simultaneously and independently. 
• Offered additional software features to adjust PMT and laser strength to increase or decrease gain and pixel resolution.
• Features a new rugged design that requires less maintenance. Maintenance can be easily handled by the user’s own field technicians.

The Research and Development of a Better CR System for the NDT Industry Has Paid Off
INDUSTREX Products have a long history as the leading-edge solutions for industrial radiology.

“We listen closely to our customers unique NDT challenges, then brought those challenges to the brightest radiography minds in the world.  These world-class engineers designed a product to eliminate our customer’s challenges and optimize their results.  We are the first to design a CR system that fits the new environmental and productivity demands of the NDT industry for today and tomorrow.” Says Marty Graen, Worldwide General Manager, Carestream Health, NDT Solutions. “Our significant research and development investment and activities from 2008 and into 2009 have paid off by producing a system that will revolutionize the industry.”

About Carestream Health NDT Solutions
Carestream Health’s NDT Solutions Group designs and produces unique film and digital imaging solutions for industrial radiography. As a leading provider of computed radiography (CR) equipment, the NDT Solutions Group offers powerful in-house and portable CR systems. Other INDUSTREX products by Carestream Health include flexible phosphor plates, film digitizing systems, and a variety of films, chemicals, and processing equipment. Dedicated to high standards in quality and service, INDUSTREX systems are supported by a worldwide force of service and support professionals. To locate a distributor or for more information on these products, visit