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LANEX Screens

High-quality, rare-earth screens for a range of applications― LANEX screens yield excellent images when used with T-MAT/RA films. These x-ray screens incorporate phosphors containing metal compounds from the lanthanide series of rare-earth elements. The phosphors convert x-ray energy into green light. LANEX screens may be ordered mounted in X-OMAT cassettes, or as replacement screens for customer mounting in these cassettes.

  • Features
  • Options


- LANEX regular screens

are designed for general and serial radiographic procedures.

- LANEX medium screens

are ideal for procedures such as chest radiography, tomography, and pediatric studies. Approximately half the speed of LANEX regular screens. Increased sharpness characteristics with extremely low quantum mottle.

- LANEX fine screens

are designed for high-definition radiographic procedures. A pair of LANEX fine screens with T-MAT G/RA or L/RA film offers a fast, high-detail combination for extremity radiography.

- LANEX fast screens

use phosphor technology to provide quality images at reduced dosage. The speed of these screens combined with T-MAT RA films produces ideal systems for angiography, scoliosis radiography, and barium studies. LANEX fast screens and T-MAT H/RA film provide 's fastest film-screen system (900 speed).
