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Julie M. Lewis, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary

Julie M. Lewis

Julie M. Lewis is General Counsel and Corporate Secretary and is a member of the company’s senior executive leadership team. In this role, she leads the company’s worldwide legal organization.

Ms. Lewis brings more than 25 years of private, public and corporate legal experience to the role. Formerly Deputy General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer for Carestream, she served as the company’s lead attorney for its medical film and dental businesses, along with overseeing the company’s global litigation proceedings.

In addition to managing complex commercial transactions and employment law matters, she was appointed Carestream’s Chief Privacy Officer in 2016 and oversaw the program to achieve compliance with the European Union’s 2018 data privacy initiative (known as GDPR).

Prior to joining Carestream, Ms. Lewis was an Assistant District Attorney in Monroe County, N.Y., where she prosecuted violent felony cases and was a partner in the Commercial Litigation Department of Harris Beach, LLC, along with serving as an adjunct professor at St. John Fisher College. She was also a member of the Monroe County Bar Association Board of Trustees and was a Foundation Board Member and Vice Chair of its Judiciary Committee.

Ms. Lewis holds a Juris Doctorate from Capital University and a B.A. in Journalism from The Ohio State University, which included study at the University of Oxford in England.
