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Scott Rosa, Chief Financial Officer

Scott Rosa

Scott Rosa is Chief Financial Officer of Carestream Health. He is responsible for all aspects of the Finance organization and is a member of the company’s senior leadership team.

Mr. Rosa brings a depth of technical expertise and financial experience to Carestream. Most recently, he served as Controller at Carestream where he had responsibility for the worldwide accounting and internal control structure of the company. In addition, as an initial member of the Finance leadership during Carestream’s formation, Mr. Rosa helped establish the Finance organization and its operating mechanisms. He also assisted with multiple acquisitions and divestitures in this role.

Prior to joining Carestream, Mr. Rosa spent five years at Eastman Kodak in various Business Unit Controller roles, including serving as the Controller for Kodak's Health Group prior to its acquisition by Onex. Prior to Kodak, Mr. Rosa was at PricewaterhouseCoopers, where he served as an Assurance Manager for both large public and mid-sized private companies.

Mr. Rosa holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting degree from SUNY Geneseo and is a Certified Public Accountant in the State of New York.