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Great with automatic processors, providing consistent image quality and ease of use.

INDUSTREX Single Part Developer Replenisher and Developer Starter
Allows for fast processing and high productivity. High chemical stability ensures consistent image quality over an extended period of time. Ideal for automatic processing of all NDT films. Other features include:

  • High chemical stability—includes consistent image quality over an extended period of time, improved resistance to aerial oxidation, and low sludge formation
  • Designed for use in both automatic and manual processing
  • Reduced packaging, less solid waste, Glutaraldehyde free
  • Strengthened "activation power" which allows for fast processing and high productivity
  • Outstanding, consistent image quality—cold (blue) image "tone" and low granularity

INDUSTREX LO Fixer and Replenisher
Recommended for all NDT and industrial imaging films. Offers improved archivability, great for automatic and manual processing, can be used in chemical automixers. Other features include:

  • Low odor
  • Improved archivability
  • Reduced environmental impact—lower COD and BOD5 (5-days Biochemical Oxygen Demand)
  • Concentrated (single part) liquid fixer provides ease of use
  • Designed for use in both automatic and manual processing
  • Can be used in chemical auto-mixers